Falling Angels - Tracy Chevalier

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I haven't really been reading high literature this past month, no sirree.
Jupiter's Bones by Faye Kellerman (an interesting concept, but I feel like there's an unnecessary level of family involvement in the main character's plot line)
Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy (not one of her best, but better than many of the other recent ones I've read. Why is the Irish girl always whiny?)
Nothing But The Truth by John Lescroart (great twist)
See Jane Run by Joy Fielding (I was so angry at Jane, the main character. SO ANGRY! And it made me want to keep reading.)
The Janson Directive by Robert Ludlum (so much action in... okay, it's a long book but it certainly is about three movies worth of action. I hated the obligatory male and female main characters must sleep together moment. ugh.)

And then, then I read Falling Angels by Tracy Chevalier.
I had heard good things about Girl with a Pearl Earring (and I enjoyed the book), but this one, set in early 20th century London, was brilliant. The story is told in pieces from the point of view of almost every character in turn, from the maid and cook, to the gravedigger's boy, to the three women at the centre of the story. My favourite chapter was this:
Over his shoulder, I saw a star fall. It was me.
Revealing the speaker or the circumstance will ruin the book.
The writing is crisp, the plot brilliant and the details spot on (or at least, they were to a girl who knows a bit about the suffragettes, and remembers what the mom wore in Mary Poppins). I may just have to seek out Girl with a Pearl Earring next.

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