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In the end, I read 92 books in 2005. Bill said I should set the goal to 100, and I laughed. I was right. This 92 is respectable, but it is definitely not 100. To be honest, I didn't count the pregnancy and baby books I read, which would put me somewhere around 98. It's still 100.
That said, I'm still not setting 100 books as my goal for 2006. I've decided I'm not going to have a number goal. Instead, this is the year I'm going to try reading books and authors I've heard about, but have never managed to read.
I'm off to a good start. I finished American Psycho the other day, and I'm reading a Kathy Reichs novel. She's the forensic anthropologist who writes thrillers. I'm enjoying my first, and the library has several more.
My other goal is to keep up with the reviews, which is part of my overall resolution for the year - write more.

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