Eight Minutes Idle - Matt Thorne

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It's set in a call centre, which was like sinking into a warm bath. Sometimes, I miss the monotony of answering telephone calls and selling hotel reservations. Like the main character in this novel, I find it to be an easy way to make money, too easy, like you're fooling the establishment.
Dan Thomas moves into his call centre after his father is hit by a car, leaving Dan to try to cover the rent for their room. He takes the stray cat with him, and soon embarks on a journey of cover-ups as he lies to cover lies to cover lies.
It's twisted and funny, even the untimely death of the stray and the accidental seduction of a superior at the call centre. When it comes to the end, though, and Dan has to get on with his new life, completely different from the one he lived at the start of the novel, there's no resolution, just new beginnings. It works, for the most part, though it leaves you wondering if the car accident that started the whole change in his life was truly accidental, or, like Dan himself wonders, his mother has somehow had her way over his life.

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